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British Airways Flight Crashes in Denmark

A British Airways plane slid off the runway after landing at Billund Airport in Denmark. According to Sky News, the incident occurred after a technical issue. One traveller, Stephen Hughes, posted a picture of the stranded plane and wrote simply: "Abandoned plane. #BritishAirways #billund." Stephen also wrote in the comments area: "Front wheel locked up I think just as we were coming off the runway so ended up coming to a standstill in the grass." ( 기타...

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Nice sensationalistic headline.
I know.
BOAC747 2
What aircraft was involved in this incident?? 747b-A320 which one..? so many BS media reports on this
British Airwas A319
British Airways Airbus A319
I thought it was the A320? some media TV channels report. Idiots they are


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