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Aerospace on brink of third revolution: Airbus

The aerospace industry is on the brink of a "third revolution" and Airbus boss Tom Enders is determined his giant company will play a leading role in its future. "I do genuinely believe that we are at a point where those technological changes and breakthroughs in electric propulsion, autonomous flight, artificial intelligence, machine learning, new materials, all come together, plus the data usage, (and) will be nothing less than a third revolution in aerospace," Enders told… ( 기타...

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The "revolution" I would love to see is the return of the 18" wide seat for any flight over 2 hours.
The problem being its not the Aircraft Manufacturers, its the Airlines. Boeing designed the 787 to have 19" and wider seats, but guess what the airlines ordered. Yep, 17s, they could fit 1 more seat in the middle with just enough room in the aisles. It was originaly going to be 3/4/3 , airlines made it 3/5/3
I know Ricky, it's the airlines's fault. But there seems to be a mistake in your text, the B787 was designed with 2-4-2 seats, as Japan Airlines still has. Other airlines use 3-3-3 seating, and that's intolerable for long haul, on an aircraft designed for long haul! If I were a Boeing employee I would be furious at what the airlines are doing to this beautiful aircraft.
Im wrong about the seating, didnt work on that airplane except to support testing of avionics on occasion. I stayed away from it :).
Sorry for the miss information, Ive been retired almost 4 years now and forgot most everything. But I know airlines crammed one more seat in :)

I've flown on a 787-8 that had a 3-3-3 seating configuration more than once and it was fine. I think it comes down to a matter of what people can tolerate.
I had the misfortune of being squeezed in a Kenya Airways B787 for 8 hours, and I found the seating worse than in the Air France B777 of the first leg of my trip, even though the B777 was one of the infamous high density layout Air France is known for on their YUL-CDG runs.
indy2001 3
Yeah, you would think a guy named "Enders" would feel our pain.


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