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Illinois bill would ban passenger removal after UAL incident

CHICAGO, April 17 (Reuters) - An Illinois lawmaker on Monday introduced a bill to ban the forcible removal of travelers from flights by state or local government employees ( 기타...

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46,000 people were removed from planes last year and not 1 politician gave a shit. Now they want to ban it? God I hate these stupid Illinois politicians.
Stupid politicians and stupid pax. When the cops tell you to get off the plane, you're gonna GET OFF THE PLANE! cops drag people out of cars and off property every hour of the day when they fail to comply.
UA's contract of carridage clearly states they can do that. it wasnt even a ua employee who harassed the man! it was a cop. so stop screwing UA!
The great state of Illinois would do well to police their politicians instead of the airline industry.
More laws, that will solve everything! Try not to get shot there though, all those gun laws are working well.
HB4034 can be found here:

1. Government employees (this includes local police) won't haul someone off.
2. No criminal or civil charges can be brought against the passenger.
3. Illinois will not do business with carriers who allow such behavior. (As I read that, Illinois Government will have to divest any holdings in such companies - the retirement system should love that one).

Why the grandstanding? It's not an election year.
Because Il.Politicians are stupid. They have never had the brains to be proactive and that is why the state is bankrupt and always behind the curve. This is a nothing deal compared to hundreds murdered just in Chicago. So they are interested in somebody being kicked off an airplane. Really!
Politicians stupid? What does their election say about the voters who put them in office? The ones local to me are quite proactive in re-election tasks, not so much in anything else.
Meanwhile the stupid legislature can't pass a budget, so that all those lottery winners can get paid.


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