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Singapore Airlines teases Airbus A350 for Brisbane, Perth

Singapore Airlines will bring another Australian city under the wing of its growing Airbus A350 network this year, with Brisbane and Perth both on the shortlist. The Star Alliance member already has one year-round A350 flight slated for Melbourne's SQ207/SQ208 from May 11, while a second A350 is currently running on SQ218/SQ217 until June 30, after which it will revert to the Airbus A380 superjumbo. ( 기타...

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Great..bring it on....I really like the A350.
Read the full article - SQ is hopeless with pax and with PR. They're happy to send a first class product to SY so Brisbane or Perth might be next?? They don't need/want a first class product?? What a bizarre way of 'advertising' your airline. I'd rather fly Qantas or Cathay or even Emirates than Singapore.


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