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Plane leaving Chicago crashes in northern Wisconsin, killing 6, authorities say

Authorities said six people aboard a Cessna airplane were killed when it crashed in northern Wisconsin. The Price County sheriff's office said the airplane crashed at 3:21 a.m. Saturday near the city of Phillips. ( 기타...

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National Transportation Safety Board investigators say there was a discussion between the pilot of the plane and air traffic controllers about “local weather phenomenon.” Soon after, the aircraft dropped off radar.
The track log shows it being at 10,200 ft. and then climbing at 220 ft. per minute with a 30 mph speed drop, following by a steep high speed decent which began 20 seconds later. Makes me wonder if the "local weather phenomenon" was icing.
The flight track also shows a moderate to severe storm cell in the vicinity:
brahuna 1
This happened about 7 miles from my house. I was outside at the time and didn’t hear anything. The weather was clear and extremely quiet. It’ll be interesting to hear what happened.
brahuna 1

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This is an aviation forum. What is your problem?
While I don't follow all the news about common carriers and aircraft builders, items about General Aviation gets my attention. I realize that may not stimulate a lot of people here, but I did not read anywhere that topics about GA are off limits and frowned upon.


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