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This Beach Will Blow You Away ... Literally

Nothing says "vacation" like getting blown across a beach by the engine blast of a Boeing 747 jumbo jet — or having one scream past, 30 feet above your head, as you lay on a towel sipping a mai tai. Welcome to Maho Beach, a 200-yard-wide patch on Sint Maarten's Caribbean coast — and right next to Princess Juliana International Airport's super-short runway. ( 기타...

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QuickBurn 0
Tons of Youtube videos at this place.
I've been there once, had a great day at the Sunset Beach Bar. We stood at the fence for a 757 takeoff and my beer ended up across the road, and my friend got a rock to the knee. The high point of the day was an Airbus A340 landing, it was so low that you thought you could almost touch it. I actually went on and found three pictures from that day that I was in. Cool place.
Ummm, 7100+ ft of runway would hardly be considered "super-short". 4000 yes, anything over 6000, no.
I'd go there on vacation just to watch the airplanes takeoff and land...
The runway isn't short but there is some terrain(sp?) to deal with on departure, that is, if you are not taking off over the ocean.
Glad to Brag ... Been there done that !! ... Was in St Maarten, January 2006 .. While on my son's Make A Wish Disney Cruise .. I went out to the beach after hearing about this, thinking it was a joke ... It is INDEED reality .. just didn't have my camera, but will never forget this one, ready to return.. St Maartens is awesome !!
We don't usually worry about terrain in the LR-60 LOL! Plus its usually VFR or if it raining it moves out fairly quickly.
Don't think I've ever been there when they are running departures over the water.


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