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Aircraft crashes after crocodile on board escapes and sparks panic

The plane came down despite no apparent mechanical problems during an internal flight in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It has now emerged that the crash was caused by a concealed reptile escaping and causing a stampede in the cabin, throwing the aircraft off-balance. ( 기타...

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Samuel Jackson's voice was on the recorder, "I've had with these monkey fighting crocodiles on this Monday to Friday plane."
ruagatr 0
How did your son die Ms Philemotte? Well he was flying in the congo....
Where's Steve Irwin when you need him?
Another airline day in the congo...
Toby Sharp 0
geeez, can you guys believe that? LOL at ruagatr "yea uhhh he was flyin in the congo and a crikey croc got loose and badda bing badda boom one thing leads to another"
low five, instead of high five to Security, maybe I'll travel there and smuggle a baby tiger to breed :-)
Toby Sharp 0
try thailand for tigers.......held one and fed it for $5........they are massive tho! a baby tiger is not the same a baby dog!
I've seen many bizarre things having flown in Africa for quite a few years, but this takes the cake!
Who need hollywood while you have Congo
Now there is a real smart guy
Is guess Tarzan wasn't on that flight, either...


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