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Air new zealand confirms orders for 777x delivery as early as 2019

CEO Luxton said it would stick with the Boeing deal to order five new Boeing 777X's AND HAVE Them in the fleet by 2019. These were going to replace a few older 777-219's in the fleet and the rego's would be of the 747-219 fleet from 1982 when the first Boeing 747-219 was delivered to air new zealand as ZK-NZV. Luxton said more 787-919's were being delivered to the fleet using the previous aircraft rego's of the DC-8'S and DC10-30'S they had back in the… ( 기타...

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I wonder if they will use the registration of the DC10 that was lost in Antarctica in 1979. I think she was ZK-NZP. I hope they do.


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