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'I can see her underwear and breasts' Airline passenger slams AirAsia for 'offensive' attendant uniform

An airline passenger has expressed her disgust after claiming she could see the breasts and underwear of a flight attendant. Dr June Robertson, from New Zeland, frequently flies to Malaysia. But she was so shocked by the revealing uniforms worn by stewards of AirAsia that she wrote a furious letter of complaint to a Malaysian senator. ( 기타...

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pilotjag 2
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Passenger Thinks AirAsia's Uniforms Are Revealing to The Point of Being 'Disgusting,' Claims Malaysian Senator

A woman claiming to be a frequent AirAsia passenger says she’s fed up with the uniforms worn by the airline’s female flight attendants, and called them “quite disgusting” in a letter she penned to Malaysian Senator Hanafi Mamat — or so says Mamat, who claims he received the letter last week and who, coincidentally, had publicly criticized the uniforms in December.
...and the problem is?
mkeflyer 1
Good way to sell tickets
I will be the judge of that. More Photos Please!!!!!!!!!


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