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More Airbus A380s of Interest to IAG But Prices 'Ridiculous': Chief

IAG chief executive Willie Walsh is interested in purchasing more Airbus A380s but "wouldn't waste 10 second on it" based on prices he has seen. ( 기타...

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jbqwik 1
everybody wants something for nothing
I have no time at all for Willie Walsh. The staff strikes (and therefore passenger inconveniences) at BA were created, promoted and kept afloat by him, and how he got bumped up to the IAG Cloud Room for his mismanagement there will always baffle me - I can only assume he has family ties higher up.

_REAL_ management skills and expertise - not this nonsense that passes for executive material as soon as they get an MBA - refer to the ability to smoothly and happily maximise output from what you manage, whether it be machinery, people or processes.

Wanking Willie seems to minimise and screw up just about everything he touches.

That he would turn his nose up at ANYthing in public without having a private commercial discussion and/or negotiation with the vendors puts him in a class with the Tweeting Orange Orangutan glued to FOX News TV across the Pond - that Good Old Wanking Achieve-Nothing Donald who snatched the Presidency through greed and Republican sleight of hand, and whose citizens wait to see if he will leave the Oval Office in handcuffs, a straight jacket, or a coffin (with a sniper's bullet between his eyes).

Good luck, IAG... with Wanking Willie at the helm you had better have the tug boats on speed dial for when the helm starts to spin uncontrollably and the sea starts to pour in through the portholes.
I like his style no my price or no.


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