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You can buy the worlds first flying car! They are taking orders.

Dutch firm PAL-V revealed its final production model Tuesday and is now taking pre-orders for the car/aircraft on its website ( 기타...

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mkeflyer 2
It is not the first by any means. Didn't anyone remember this from aviation history:
shrudini 1
I want one!
chalet 1
This is not a car/aircraft hybrid, it is a new version of Juan de la Cierva (distinguished Spanish engineer/entrepreneur) who invented the Autogyro which lifted off once the forward speed on the ground made the propeller spin fast enough . It can not be called a helicopter as it can not take off or land vertically, let alone hover, however I have a hunch that this one might "take off commercially" for being much simpler and far les costlier than the Terrafugia and other crazy devices.
Rendered speculation. The company is taking "hefty non-refundable" reservation fees. The Amphicar was is a neat novelty from history. It was both a bad car and a lousy boat. This thing takes that to an extreme, but a bad car and bad helicopter is just a really terrible idea.
BaronG58 1
Oh the Amphicar...this brings back memories. My dad bought one when they came out in 1961. it leaked like a sieve. Had to run the bilge pump at all time. Other than that it was a hoot. Can't count the times we would just drive down a public boat ramp and float off and within minutes the police and ambulance would show up. People would call in and say a drunk had driven off in to the water.
chalet 1
Baron, you made my day, thankyou.


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