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Federal Flight Deck Officers: The airline pilots trained to shoot hijackers

Thousands of US airline pilots carry guns in the cockpit. Why do they do it - and how are they trained? Every year, hundreds of American pilots head to Artesia, New Mexico, to learn new skills. ( 기타...

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So who exactly thought this was a good idea to leak to the general public....? FFDO was supposed to stay classified.....
This is really old news. It's been in the general press since the program was instituted, and ibqwik also has a very good point.
The only secret is WHO the FFDO's are. The goal is to not know if your plane has a FFDO or Air Marshal on board however I think there are a few give-a-ways should someone pay close attention.
Far West is going in the air...
Slow news day, time to recycle...
Story has been done about this a decade ago.Journalists need to find original content not rehash stuff that we alredy knew.
bdarnell 1
Consider the source .......
jbqwik 1
My guess is thinking is this: If you know a cop is down the street with radar then you won't be inclined to speed. I think the hope is to dissuade people from trying in the first place for fear of collateral damage to pax or plane.


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