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Pilot dumps 30 tons of fuel mid-flight to save passenger's life

A pilot decided to dump 30 tons of fuel mid-air to enable a safe emergency landing and save a passenger’s life. NOTE: The writer THINKS that the plane was using GASOLINE...mmmm ( 기타...

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The person who called it 'gasoline' is reportedly the pilot. Perhaps a language issue or a misquote. Sounds like a routine medical diversion to me.
Reports of pilots dumping fuel always worries me, because 30 tons of Jet A-1 fuel (kerosene basically) going into the ocean cannot be good for the environment. But with take off weights of fully fuelled aircraft far exceeding their allowable landing weight, I guess there is no other option when lives are at risk.
Obviously the aircraft in question wasn't the one pictured (A319/320) if it was flying Shanghai-New York. Couldn't the article writers find a relevant pic (A380 or B777LR)?
Where did it happen
From sentence #2 of the article: "The China Eastern Airlines flight was headed to New York from Shanghai, China, Friday night . . . "
They diverted to Anchorage AK.


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