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Picture: First Airbus Beluga XL shows up with full livery

Toulouse - Today, Airbus unveiled the first Beluga XL in full livery. The new ship carrier is set to launch its maiden flight this summer. Beluga XL wears a spectacular livery inspired by Beluga whale with eyes on the sides and a happy grin in front. Thus, the European manufacturer uses the unusually bulbous shape of its unique transporter for an allusion to the arctic white whale. ( 기타...

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bbbbbbaaaaabbbbbbyyyyyy bbbbbeeeelllluuuuuggggaaaa
bbbbbbaaaaabbbbbbyyyyyy bbbbbeeeelllluuuuuggggaaaa
I'd like to say I have that song stuck in my head now, but it's been stuck in my head for over a year now thanks to my little 1 year old plane geek in training. Props!
It’s the first time that I’ve ever used the word adorable, to describe an aircraft, but it actually fits this new livery! I love it!
It belongs in a Disney movie.
Betty O 4
Didn't think I would ever say that .... but that is a cute livery!
chalet 0
This baby only a mother could love. UUUUGGGGLLLLYYYYY as hell. Now, if it looks right it will fly right.

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