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Couple escorted off flight by police For complaining about the food.

Couple escorted off flight by poA devastated couple celebrating their honeymoon said they were led off a Thomas Cook aircraft by police for complaining about the food. Marcus, 38, and Zarrah Hayles, 34, from Sherwood, were celebrating a romantic getaway to Cuba as part of a Thomas Cook holiday in August.lice For complaining about the food. ( 기타...

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I suspect that people who swear on a regular basis don't realise how upsetting it can be for those who don't. Many people are more affected by the energy surrounding the interaction than those who are less sensitive.can comprehend. I think it is good that unacceptable behaviour like this is challenged. THEY might have been upset their honeymoon was marred, but I wonder if they thought how many people they might have upset?
Quite agree with Jenny and am impressed by the sensible police reaction. I wasn't on the flight so can't comment of the actions of either Thomas Cook or the passengers, but have experienced some very difficult cabin crew too. I think that a bit of common sense on all sides isn't too much to expect.
Entitled scum. Thomas Cook were correct in their actions.
I can understand where you’re coming from, but branding perfect strangers as entitled scum is quite judgemental.
I’m not condoning their actions, but hopefully the police will apply a sense of proportion to what is a public order offence, and nothing more.


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