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British Airways A380 #BA269 A380 to LAX returned to Heathrow after 5 hours into flight

The Airbus A380 circled four hours to burn fuel and reduce weight for a same landing runway 09L. According to our informations, flight #BA269 suffered a to possible engine 4 fault. A BA spokesman told Airlive: ” We’re sorry for the delay to our customers’ travel plans. The flight is returning to Heathrow due to a minor technical issue. Safety is always our very highest priority and our highly trained flight crew will always err on the side of caution.” ( 기타...

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Cansojr 0
It must have been serious because this sounds like a turn around over the northern polar route. They would have still been to far away to land at one of Canada's major airports to service the aircraft. Britain made the best choice for critical maintenance.
They didn’t get far past Scotland, turned around and did some circling:
If it was that serious why didn’t they dump fuel and then go back. Could have been in the air for an hour. I’m not sure how much the A380 can dump per hour but seems like they could have done such rather then fly for 5 hours before landing.


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