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German airports on alert amid spying reports at Stuttgart

Germany's biggest airports are on alert after four suspected terrorists were spotted staking out Stuttgart airport, reports say. Police are said to be hunting for a son and father from North Rhine-Westphalia and two others seen taking photos of the airport's terminal and grounds. Details of the suspects were passed to German police by Morocco's secret service, reports say. This comes a week after a terror attack across the border in France. ( 기타...

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Cansojr 4
What purpose is served by forcing lower thumbs down for most contributors. This person simply out to abuse this forum with low and negative scoring to serious contributors.
SootBox 5
Germany is suffering and is almost lost. How's that migrant thing working for you?
Cansojr 4
Naturally the Islamic Terrorist would mount an attack on our holy day. Its in their nature, nothing is sacred aside from killing anyone who isn't a Muslim. History proves my point.
Cansojr 2
I noticed both contributions are true yet somebody doesn't like them at all.


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