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Boeing's F-15X Fighter: A Good Idea or Waste of Time?

On December 21, Bloomberg Government reported that the Pentagon was planning to set aside $1.2 billion in the 2020 defense budget to procure twelve new F-15X fighters, a heavily upgraded model of the twin-engine jet first introduced into U.S. service in 1976. ( 기타...

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Cansojr 2
It is all about relevance. Can this fighter operate in a low visibility. Does it have any radar defeating features, not just chaff and flares. The F-22 has the viability of a sparrow on radar. Can this F-15x maintain its heavyweight status. The Russians are renewing everything in their military, from submarines to knock-off of western fighters have been built and look very capable. The biggest mistake you can make about the Russians is underestimate them. Watch them teach children chess. That is a common subject taught in their schools. Where do you think their prodigies come from? Ask the former KGB Colonel.
There are plenty of environments where the F-15X can operate with impunity, and it is a much more cost-effective solution than F-35s or F-22s. I’m glad the Pentagon decided to go this route.


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