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Airbus: 12,000th aircraft is an A220-100

The European aircraft manufacturer delivered the 12,000th aircraft built at Airbus plants, an A220-100 for Delta Air Lines. On May 20, Airbus celebrated the delivery of its 12,000th aircraft. It is also the 12th Airbus A220-100 jet delivered to Delta Air Lines. The American carrier has 78 A220 aircraft (28 A220-100, 50 A220-300) more on order with Airbus making the airline biggest customer of the Bombardier's former CSeries. This milestone delivery is also highlighting the growing presence… ( 기타...

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Cansojr 1
DELTA AIRLINES is making a bold move into the AIRBUS 220-100. This move demonstrates Delta's commitment to the environment with this purchase. It burns 20 to 25 percent less fuel. That in turn puts much less carbon into the atmosphere. That leaves room for a handsome profit by cutting fuel costs. Finally, it has a lower noise footprint easing the tension between homeowners and the Airline. DELTA will reap this benefit once it has this 220-100. Incidentally, it is quiet on the inside and outside. People have actually stated they didn't know the engines were running. DELTA has the vision of the future.


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