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El Al schedules its last Boeing 747 revenue flight

El Al Israel Airlines has been gradually replacing its Boeing 747-400 fleet with new Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners. According to Airline Route, the carrier is now scheduling its last Boeing 747 revenue flight, charter flight LY 1747 between Rome (Fiumicino) and Tel Aviv on November 3, 2019. The operational Boeing 747-458 fleet is now down to two aircraft: 4X-ELA (pictured) and 4X-ELC. ( 기타...

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Farewell Boeing 747 of El Al.

I've only flown the Queen of the Skies once, only with Qantas from YVR to SYD. Without the 747, airlines wouldn't have been revolutionized the way they are.
used to be that the mark of a first class trunk carrrier was the 747 flight schedules it maintained. Delta, American, United, all had them, and i flew on them in magical carpet simiulation. Jet fuel being priced as it is, maintenance costing what it does, boeing was able to build generations of aircraft that surpassed the great queen in accounting terms, never comfort though, never in the wonder of "how is this thing going to lift off?"
For my private and business trips, I was fortune to ride these EL-AL’s Queens to all destinations, in all classes.
I was even fortunate enough to visit one of them while it was refurbished in the company’s hangar.
Amazing piece of machine.


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