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Qantas to Fly World's Longest B747 Route

In 1989, Qantas showed off the range of the B747-400 by flying nonstop from London to Sydney in a little more than 20 hours. The trip required special "high specific gravity" fuel and there were no passengers onboard. Now, over 20 years later, QFA will get to use the ultra-long range model of the B747, with a full load of passengers, on what will be the world's longest nonstop B747 route, Sydney to Dallas. ( 기타...

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Gotta Love those Boeings.
Toby Sharp 0
If it ain't Boeing, I ain't goin!
Did they manufacture that fuel for the 1989 flight?
Avoiding LAX is a major plus. Looking forward to our next trip to SYD.
Good luck to the pilots! Hopefully they won't fall asleep.
TTail 0
its not all aircraft, what about those engines, that are getting that good of mileage??

Filled to the brim. Dragged to the holding point. Waited for the best winds. 20 odd people in the upper deck. No seats fitted in the lower deck. And the Thunder Storms on the TAF just happened to be both sides of the ETA in SYD.


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