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British Airways Boeing 747-400 G-CIVL performed its very last flight today

British Airways is retiring five Boeing 747-400s this week. G-CIVL took off this morning to Kemble for it’s very last flight after 23 years of service. ( 기타...

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The status shows as “stored” rather than “”scrapped”, and the airframe is only 23 years old, so, unless detailed inspection showed a very serious frame crack or major repair issue, I am guessing BA is just putting it into deep storage until the market for used aircraft improves and they can get the price they want for it.
Okay, thanks
Kemble IS the home of an aircraft scrapper and parts recycling yard, BUT it is also home of a storage facility. It this airframe was being scrapped, I would expect BA to cancel its registration. But I gave not seen that yet.
What’s the matter with the Boeing 747?
Part of their retirement plans.
Still a great aircraft, but a fuel guzzler compared to newer airliners, plus less flexible with such a high capacity. Smaller jets can be profitably used on routes with lower demand and fewer passengers booking per flight. This plane will probably be converted to freighter use, and will fly for many more years in freighter cargo service.
If it is going to Kemble, then there is a high probability that it's terminal. It is a dismantling facility.
Oh… but it’s still usable
Sure it is. Maybe for cargo ops though. Airlines want the latest now to skirt fuel prices
dardav 0

New and Fuel Efficient
But isn’t it still usable
Could be briefly thought of converting to freight but the cost is so high. If the next major overhaul/ maintenance is due, the cost again might be so high as compared to the book value. Just like your automobile, not financially viable. Parts value might be the only logical choice, thus a one-way to the breakers yard e.g. Kemble.


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