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'Suspicious device' in bathroom of Ryanair flight intercepted by RAF jets

Two men arrested by counter-terrorism police after a Ryanair flight to the UK was intercepted by RAF fighter jets have been released because a "suspicious device" in the plane's bathroom ( 기타...

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I would think that a suspicious device in a Ryanair bathroom would be a satisfied customer
Very interesting. If the device was in the bathroom and either of the two men weten't, then it still looks like it could be considered suspicious. A good way to find out if something is is going to succeed is to make a dry run of it with som ething innocuous or harmless. In this case, who's to say The British authorities weren't being tested to see what the response would be. Just speculation since the article doesn"t say what the the device was or why it was left in the bathroom. It does make me wonder though why the device was left in the bathroom even if it wasn't something that would damage or bring down a plane.
The device in question was a cell phone.
What does this have to do with some maintenance or some other issue with the Boeing aircraft??


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