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Could CIRCULAR runways take off? Aerospace tests show circle designs would increase capacity

Could CIRCULAR runways take off? Aerospace tests show circle designs would increase capacity, allow for simultaneous landings and take-offs and remove the risk of crosswinds. The runway would be built as a 2.2 mile wide circle around an airport terminal Aircraft can avoid risky crosswinds by landing in any direction, says scientist It would allow for a high volume of traffic as several takeoffs and landings could take place simultaneously ( 기타...

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Slow news day. A recycled story that started 5 years ago and just won't die. I guess it is....circular.
There used to be “no crosswind” airports all over the place. It was called a big field. Takeoffs and landings were always into the wind.
So this is how Daily Mail drums up traffic. Reposting the same story time and time again.


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