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The gold-plated Boeing 757 owned by former President Trump is sitting empty at a New York airport, amid reports that the plane requires costly repairs

Trump's personal plane has reportedly been sitting unused at a New York airport. CNN reported the plane may need repairs totalling hundreds of thousands of dollars. Trump added 24-karat gold fixtures and seatbelt buckles to the Boeing 757. President Donald Trump's plane, a Boeing 757 decked out with 24-karat gold fixtures and seatbelt buckles, has been sitting unused and in need of repair at a New York airfield, according to reports. CNN on Saturday published pictures of the plane… ( 기타...

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I am waiting for his highness to put another engine on the plane, fix all the things inopt, and then have weekly trumpfests around america bringing stirring realpolitik back to the country, all punctualted by a low fly-by at the airport where the rally is to be, then a landing and and appearance walking down the stairs. Just takes cash, for no airplane repair company is going to send him a bill for services, and the german banks have cancelled his credit cards. Perhaps he ought to park his plane in a hangar so we no longer have it to remind us of him.
"Perhaps he ought to park his plane in a hangar so we no longer have it to remind us of him."

Sour grapes for sure. But I Have to say it's more fun watching Biden stumbling UP the stairs (thrice*) of Air Force 1.


Capt. J. Buck

* Thrice - three times, often used in combination such as thrice-married or as in a threefold manner or degree such as a senile old fool falling up the stairs of an airplane.


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