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FBI Investigating Attempted Hijacking On Delta Flight From LAX, Man In Custody

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — The Federal Bureau of Investigation Friday was investigating an attempted highjacking on a flight from Los Angeles International Airport. According to authorities, Delta Flight 386 was headed to Nashville when a man reportedly tried to break into the cockpit. Video from the flight shows flight attendants and passengers wrestling with the man. After they tackled him, they were able to tie him up. ( 기타...

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Of course the news shows a defunct 777 with livery from 15 years ago
Track log:
jbermo 1
Sheesh - Perhaps future boarding stipulations will require successful terrorist screenings, health (Covid) certifications, and mental fitness qualifications along with your boarding pass.
canuck44 -3
Bit of a stretch to consider this a hijacking. I guess same logic as pushed calling January 6th an insurrection.
he just wanted a Jan 6th style tour of the cockpit . . . notice how the sane people around considered it treacherous ! ! !


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