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AIR EUROPE🇮🇹 Boeing 777-200ER Bad Weater Flight in Cuba🇨🇺 (2000)

AIR EUROPE🇮🇹 Boeing 777-200ER Bad Weater Flight in Cuba🇨🇺 (2000) ( 기타...

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I am simply just NOT sure what I am reading here ? is it me failing to understand the spelling on this piece or maybe I am simply not that smart.
The problem is that the poster is using flag glyphs from the UNICODE character set that aren't supported on most desktop browsers. The glyphs are then rendered as alternate text. Where you see "IT" you should be seeing an Italian flag, and where you see "CU" you should be seeing a Cuban flag.
Strange that a company would so carelessly write their post headlines, when they seem to be on a downward trend on this platform.
mbrews 2
Yes, agreed.

In previous threads, they have claimed their posts "are not clickbait " .

Methinks they doth protest too much. and post too much


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