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MH370 wreck pinpointed 4km deep in Indian Ocean in new report, with claims missing plane will be found next year

A British aerospace engineer claims to have pinpointed the precise coordinates where Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 crashed and dropped to the bottom of the southern Indian Ocean, injecting new hope one of aviation's great mysteries might finally be solved. According to revolutionary aviation tracking technology used by Richard Godfrey, MH370 hit the ocean 1933km west of Perth, at 33.177°S 95.300°E, with the plane falling a depth of 4000 metres to the floor below. ( 기타...

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I'll believe it when I see it.
ADXbear 1
Hope they are right.. we need to end this story and give those families closure
Eerst zien, dan pas geloven
carste10 1
Doubtful that the mystery will be solved. We'll still be wondering why an aircrew ended up where they did.
btweston 1
We’ve pinpointed the wreckage, we just haven’t found it yet.


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