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Disruptive Emirates Passenger Arrested in Manchester

On Thursday evening, Emirates flight EK019 was boarded by police shortly after landing at Manchester Airport in the U.K. following its flight from Dubai. Greater Manchester Police responded to reports of a disruptive passenger onboard the Airbus A380 at around 6:30 PM GMT, and the 29-year-old was subsequently arrested on suspicion of "sexual assault, affray, criminal damage, drunk onboard and threatening behavior". ( 기타...

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Not sure what is going on with these Passengers... they just won't learn.. I think one big problem is Alcohol.. they should not allow serving of Alcohol in any airport or aircraft.... But the Big Dollar speaks loudly and profits soar!
you cannot stop alcohol because of a hand full of idiots.
Why Not! The only reason they won't is because of the profit they make off of it...


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