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DHL Boeing 757 runway excursion in Costa Rica

On Thursday morning, April 7th, a Boeing 757 was involved in an accident when flight D0 7216 operated by DHL departed from Juan Santamaría International Airport (SJO) to Guatemala City (GUA), but had to return to the airport after reporting hydraulic problems. ( 기타...

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mbrews 5
Calling this a runway excursion is a bit of an Understatement. Watch the video or still pix. The aircraft comes to rest with the tail section broken off.
James T 3
Thank you.. That is the best one yet... Really shows what happened. Thanks for Shareing.
Boys their brakes are smoking. Wow and what caused the 180 degree spin. Other then that great landing but sad this ole girl flew her last flight.
some doubler plates and some rivets - we can fix that right up. That'll buff out. /sarc
My speculation is that the hydraulic problem caused the starboard thrust reverser not to deploy.
That is a strong possibility, but that should not have forced him off the runway... If that is the case, there will be a contributing factor. You can still defer 1 Thrust reverser and use the other one on a dry runway.
acmi 2
Thank you.. Good article, but not a lot of Meat.


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