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United kicks off largest transatlantic expansion in its history: 30 new or resumed flights in eight weeks

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — United Air Lines has kicked off the launch of the largest transatlantic expansion in its history in anticipation of a strong recovery in European summer travel. In total, United will launch or resume 30 Transatlantic flights from mid-April through early June. ( 기타...

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JD Burch 3
Sounds great! But how many new maintenance personnel did they hire? Who trained them? Are they experienced or just out of school? Are these routes being flown by aircraft that have been sitting in the desert for 2+ years? I definitely will be waiting and watching to see what falls out of the friendly skies this summer. It will be up to the Carriers to catch what the Manufacturers let slip through QC.
I'm glad to see more flights from Chicago, as it's the closest airport to St. Louis. Not a lot of direct European flights from here, but Chicago is the next best thing.
United cancelled flights out of Johannesburg to the US this week claiming there was an airport wide shortage of fuel. However, only United flights appeared to be cancelled. We had to take Qatar Airlines to get back to the UD.
chpsto 2
Newark to the Azores in a 737 Max 9? Uh, no thanks...
Yeah, IS still United, after all. That's the downside.
Perfect timing. Our son has joined United after a stint as a Freight Dog. Watch out Europe!
Meanwhile over at Southwest Trailways they've run out of hot cups, ginger ale and toilet paper.
happy to see Transatlantic flights coming bck!


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