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KC-46A Completes Record 24.2-hour Mission: Longest Flight In The History Of AMC

A few days ago, on May 5 and 6, 2022, a KC-46A Pegasus tanker of the 22nd Air Refueling Wing performed a record-setting 24.2-hour flight to and from McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas, in what the Air Force considers the longest duration flight in the Air Mobility Command’s history. This flight is considered a crucial test of the capabilities of the command’s newest aerial refueling platform, as it represents a key factor of the U.S. Air Force global reach. The unprecedented flight was extensively… ( 기타...

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No big deal, it was air refueled to sustain the never ending show. Probably by a KC135 to boot!
By KC-46, not KC-135.
Chris B 2
B2 Bombers did 36 hour flights to and from Bagdad...

This proves nothing if it can't refuel other aircraft.
It refueled 4 Marine F-35s.
a passing grade here for this unique test. Plenty of crew, food, toilets, and a flight doc to boot.


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