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Regional cargo haulers move to convert standard passenger jets

Raya Airways, ASL Airlines are growing their airlines in Asia and Europe, respectively with used planes modified for cargo. ( 기타...

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Chris B 8
Surprised we don’t see airlines like Southwest retire their passenger jets into a cargo subsidiary.
They might just sell some of them on the secondary market and someone else converts them for cargo.
Passenger airlines can also operate someone else’s planes, as Sun Country Airlines does with 737-800BCF cargo aircraft as a contractor for Amazon Air.
RECOR10 -4
I bet they do not want the cost of conversion, nor the risk of a cargo shift causing an "incident" where the lawyers will tear apart the entire concept of "this plane was designed for passenger not cargo use....." and a jury of the ignorant public and possibly 12 fools who could not get out of jury duty passing uneducated judgement.
Cargo operations has been the one segment of aviation that did not see a downturn during the past couple of years. A lot of PAX pilots have switched to cargo airlines.


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