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UAE Releases Preliminary Report On A U.S Registered G-21 Plane Crash

United Arab Emirates (UAE) department of General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) has released it preliminary report on a U.S registered Grumman G-21 that cashed and killed four onboard. On February 27, 2011, at approximately 1556 UTC, a Grumman G-21, registration N221AG Aircraft, with total four persons onboard, departed its parking ramp ( 기타...

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How'd you come up with the identification of the aircraft as a supposed "1996 Grumman G21G"? N221AG was "registered" as a McKinnon G-21G (there is no such thing as a "Grumman G-21G") but it was not actually built by McKinnon. It started off as a 1944 Grumman JRF-5 (US Navy version of a G-21A) and it was modified by the Fish & Wildlife Service in Alaska using their own engineering data as well as some fom McKinnon and Volpar (for the TPE331 turbine engine conversion.) That actually made it into a "FWS" G-21; it was no longer just a modified Grumman but it also was never re-certified by McKinnon. FWS intended it to become a new model "G-21F" under McKinnon's type certificate, but it was never approved as such by the FAA. Instead, FWS claimed it was a turbine McKinnon G-21G conversion that they further modified into their own unique configuration, but they actually just modified a Grumman G-21A into their own "G-21F" configuration and just called it a modified McKinnon. BTW, as far as certification under an FAA-approved type certificate is concerned, a Goose is either a "Grumman" under TC 654 OR a "McKinnon" under TC 4A24; it cannot be both simultaneously and the identifications are not interchangable as the UAE GCAA seems to think.


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