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Man charged with assaulting crew members during chaotic United Airlines flight

Aman has been accused of assaulting two flight attendants and breaking part of a bathroom door during a chaotic United Airlines flight from Miami to Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, according to court documents filed earlier this week. Once the plane landed and he was taken into custody, Cherruy Loghan Sevilla allegedly told authorities that he had taken the hallucinogenic drug psilocybin prior to boarding the flight. The documents allege that Sevilla grew disruptive about an hour into the two-hour… ( 기타...

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He says he's not surprised about the effect of the illegal drug he took before boarding and he's sorry for what he did. I hope he gets to be sorry in jail for a while.
He said he was not surprised about the effect the drug that it had on him. That shows complete disregard for others and for his own behavior and is very narcissistic if not arrogant. Whatever happens to him, whatever judgment is handed to him by the courts and the airlines, he deserves completely. And if it is a harsh sentence, so be it. He brought it on himself knowing what might happen before he even took the drug. He desires everything he gets.
Dude was trippin' during his trip. Mushrooms and flying don't mix.
jbermo 2
This man has at least earned a year of eating macaroni and cheese. . . . SWA's FA punching Vivianna Quinonez / Inmate number 65489-509 is now serving time at SeaTac FDC with a release date of 03/09/23.
Proper link for the story:
<a href="">Man charged with assaulting flight attendants, breaking part of bathroom door during chaotic United Airlines flight</a>
We need a comprehensive no fly list that all airlines can have access to keep these morons off any flight by any US airline permanently.


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