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Your Opinion? - The Qantas A350-1000ULR Cabin for 21+ hr. Sunrise Flights

Most of us know that back in May, Qantas placed a massive order for Airbus Aircraft, including the A220-300, A321XLR, and the A350-1000ULR. The Qantas A350-1000ULR's are expected to fly the longest flights in the world, starting in late 2025 from Sydney to London and New York Non-stop. This route will beat SIA's A350-900ULR route from Singapore to JFK. What do you think of Qantas's A350-1000ULR Cabin? Take a look at the link. What do you think about Qantas ordering the… ( 기타...

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Tyler Barr 10
Please remember that you are placing your own opinion. Please, let's be respectful of other's opinions, even if it doesn't match yours. This also means, that please, please do not criticize others for their own opinion.

Thank you so much, and Merry Christmas! Happy holidays!

Wishing you the best,
The longest flights I've been on were 16 hours. As long as I'm comfortable and can rest, the flights don't bother me, and I could handle an extra five hours if needed.

Also bear in mind that not making a stop and potentially changing planes will likely save you an extra two days on a roundtrip, which is significant if we're talking about a vacation/holiday.
My longest 26 hrs - hopscotching across the Pacific in a C130B.
My longest commercial - last month on DL201 -An A350 JNB-ATL 16h 49m
Wow, more than half the plane appears to be well-appointed for the well-heeled.. Less than half is steerage class and appears to be a 9-across sardine can.. imho, for Economy, 8-across (e.g., Lufthansa) for long flights is much nicer..


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