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Air India Pilot Brings Female Friend to Cockpit During Flight, Has Her Served Food and Drinks

An Air India pilot allegedly let one of his female friends spend time in the plane’s cockpit during a flight from Dubai to Delhi on February 27. As you may have imagined, this is in direct violation of a litany of safety and procedural norms set by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, according to the Hindustan Times. ( 기타...

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Since they didn't publish a picture of the girl, I can't tell you if it was worth it or not.
jbermo 1
"The matter is reported to the DGCA" . . .AKA-his goose is cooked.
Just clickbait.

“ As you may have imagined, this is in direct violation of a litany of safety and procedural norms set by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, ”

I don’t imagine anything, and I always let my wife or other friends fly in the cockpit with me if they like. As long as you know and trust them it’s no safety hazard.
So who was monitoring the aircraft while the 1st Officer was asleep and the Captain was entertaining his friend in the rear of the flight deck?
Otto. Otto Pilot was flying the aircraft.

* For anyone who does not get the reference, you can check it out at this link.


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