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Spike In Fuel Prices Erasing Airline Profits

Soaring jet fuel prices are wiping out profits at the nation's biggest airlines. United Continental Holdings Inc. lost $213 million in the first quarter after its fuel bill jumped by $560 million, the world's biggest airline company said on Thursday. Southwest and JetBlue both scratched out tiny profits despite higher fuel costs. ( 기타...

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No question about the fuel cost impact. What is the impact of the top exec bonus and compensation programs in bad times when the company is losing money and they are looking for concessions from everyone else??
Avi8tor2 0
Yeah I hear ya Allen, when will it stop? Will it all stop when our country and even the whole world's economy is uterally paralyzed and grinds to halt? What will the top exec's do then? What will the multi trillion-aire oil moguls's do then? I just don't understand.......
Hey you guys, there's nothing to worry about here. According to our president, it is an absolute necessity that fuel prices spike so we can go green and utilize other forms of energy besides oil. Thanks to him, no new refineries are opening or getting expanded, no new oil wells are being opened in the Gulf, and oil imports are shrinking. But hey, he doesn't have to swipe his credit card to pay for jet fuel in his 747.
David Ford 0
Andy, all true. But one other very important reason fuel prices are skyrocketing, and is not getting any airtime: the value of the dollar is shrinking, and is directly related to the Federal Reserve printed gobs of money to pay our debt. You can't print money like crazy and expect it to retain its value. What creditor wants worthless paper?


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