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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

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I don't have a problem with that.
What's wrong with that ?
Alan Young
One coming and one going. . . excellent.
Shorts on too tight DI?
And the problem with two in one week would be.......?????
@Doug Irvin: the point of FA photos is great photos of aircraft, not a catalog of sightings by the week. It seems natural to me that a good photographer in a good location with good lighting will get several good photos of the same aircraft and post them, which are then appreciated by viewers and editors.

It would be more tedious to my way of thinking if we kept getting identical photos of different aircraft in the same "frame", such as planting a camera looking at the touchdown zone and squeezing off essentially the same photo of twenty different aircraft.

In any case, since it's by now obvious that your view is definitely in the minority, can you please save pixels and let it go?
Doug's real name is Richard.
a mentor
@Samuel Bixler: You're right of course. Those fixated with the Social Media ply by different rules -- ANY NEWS (about Doug) is good news :-( Even a rebuff still keeps him in the weekly news -- sigh.

Ever notice he never post pictures??
Tom Jeter
You know what’s a shame? Doug Irwin’s constant whining about duplicate photos. Nobody else minds this.
bonita foto


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