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Raytheon Starship (N903SC)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Raytheon Starship (N903SC)



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Great shot of a rare bird! I was lucky enough to see one of these fly a few times.
Bror Monberg
Remember seeing one fly out of John Wayne(SNA). Beautiful A/C...but if you believe what you read the economics did not justify it. A sad ending from Raytheon for this design.
a mentor
the wiki is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beechcraft_Starship

but the most telling article is
Burt gave me a tour through the 80% scale prototype when they first built it in Mojave.
George Bures
I was unaware any of these were still in service.
it surely works for the eyes of a beholder, but not for the owner or the accountant, as there are so many superior performers in its class. truly sad. truly remarkable looking machine
Toby Sharp
This one flies out of KADS quite often. weekly most often. Its loud just like a Piaggio and you can hear it coming for miles before it gets there.


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