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McDonnell Douglas DC-8-70 (N782SP) - The Samaritan's Purse International Relief DC-8 N782SP seen four years to this date departing St Maarten after dropping off relief items after the passing of hurricane IRMA.br /Lots of destruction in the back ground to be seen.br /Year 2017.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

McDonnell Douglas DC-8-70 (N782SP)


The Samaritan's Purse International Relief DC-8 N782SP seen four years to this date departing St Maarten after dropping off relief items after the passing of hurricane IRMA.
Lots of destruction in the back ground to be seen.
Year 2017.


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EPIC !!!!
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ JM32 it was a great sight to see!!!
Scott Alan
Fantastic organization!!!!
Ken Hardy
I wonder where this old bird started life, United, Delta or some other airline
What a bird. Approaching old age @ 53 and doing charity work. Wonderful. Last flight I believe was to post-earthquake Haiti.
Vinny Barbin
The DC-8 although not as popular as the 707 back in the day was a beautiful aircraft. In my opinion to this day the best looking passenger Jet ever produced.
@Ken Hardy: This particular plane started life with Finnair.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Scott Alan yea they help us out after the passing of hurricane IRMA.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Ken Hardy i wont know.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Dan Chiasson its a wonderful sight to see
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Vinny Barbin a awesome sight to see them all
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ masonite thank you
@Ken Hardy Looks like this aircraft started out as OH-LFR with Finnair way back in 1969.

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