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N78774 — - Oshkosh, 2018
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

N78774 —


Oshkosh, 2018


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Alan Brown
Great photo! Thanks!
Great Shot Amello!
Onward Lam
It is a nice picture but is it really a photograph? The lighting and the shading looks very artistic.
ph gero
Magnificent tribute to the Flying Tigers when US was helping China during ww2.
Very nice, smart looking aircraft the Commando, more so than the Dak I always thought.
Great shot!
There were a few C46 still doing the heavy/unglorified lifting in Northern Canada (I think I saw a Perimeter C-46 in Winnipeg) a number of years ago. Think Buffalo Airlines has a few. Looked tough as nails.
Al Miller
Great tribute to those who flew "The Hump".
ken kemper
I was there and saw Tinker Belle.....

Best shot of the week Amellio
Great work horse!!!!
Great work horse!!!
Peter Sayers
Curtis c-46 over the Burma hump. A Canadian company gave each pilot 2500.00 to fly them back to Canada, from the Jungle. A lot of the C-46's where modified at Dotval Air for duty on the dew line. in the early 50's
Peter Sayers
Mistake, should read Dorval Air, at the old Do
rval Airport
David Ingram
A really good airplane overshadowed by it's smaller cousin.
nice nose art. glad to see theres still some respect for this old lady, AND not working for Everets trash heap!!
What a great example of the largest twin on the planet and only 1 of 6 still flying today, so they say!
This very plane, Tinker Belle, was based (by the CAF) at my local airport (KOUN) in the 70-80's. Big and voluminous. If parked next to a DC-3, the poor DC-3 will look like a toy. I recall one pilot's description of the plane as, "What do you get when your twin eats too many donuts? You get the worlds largest twin."
David Pius
I always thought the C-46 looked like an overweight C-47 but it sure could haul the freight! Another stunning piece of aviation art.
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