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N3JP — - AA's retro 737-800 in our new hanger at ORD.
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N3JP —


AA's retro 737-800 in our new hanger at ORD.


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Alan Brown
Interesting paint scheme!
ken kemper

A 5 Star pic.

Paint Schemes sure looked better in the 60's I say....
Love the retro livery! Nice shot.
Roy Bailey
I'm old enough to remember that scheme on a few different AA models. Good to see it again.
You know me, I like correct spelling..."hangar" This is aviation not a closet.
Walter White
This is the livery that they used when I was just a mere lad in the '60s. I think it looks stunning!!
Paul Hurford
That is one very classy airplane. Love the Retro paint job. It would be so nice if AA decided to use that Livery on all their 737-800s. FANTASTIC!!!
John Freschl
@dicky11 First time I realized that there are two different spellings. Gotta love the English language.
I really LOVE this scheme! I wish AA would paint all the fleet this way. Personally, I think the new "Flag Tail" scheme sucks.

If they really want to stand out from everyone else, this is the scheme to use.

That's just my five bucks worth.
Great to see AA bring back an iconic livery. To bad Maureen O'Hara is not still alive to do a sendoff like she did with the 757 a few years ago.
Ned Griffin
Reminds me of the AA 707 Astrojet I flew in a snowstorm from Boston to Buffalo in '67 to visit my fiance.


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