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BOEING 747SP (A9C-HMH) - Bahrain Government B747SP departing Logan on 8/2/06.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체



Bahrain Government B747SP departing Logan on 8/2/06.


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Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Thank you John!
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Thank you Joan!
Capture of the year. Coloring in all five .....
Dave Sheehy
Rare catch! TYVM for sharing this DD. 5*
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Thank you Gary and Dave!
Such a stunning aircraft.
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Thank you Dan and agreed.
renato basso
I flew on one of these from Rio to LA. Panam. Probably 1982
Welcome to the Club : I was able to travel back to Europe (LHR) on a PanAm 747SP (late 80's) after having missed People Express' 747 out of JFK ...
747-SG (stunted growth) Nice pic of a pretty rare bird.
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Renato, Leopold, Michael - Thanks for your comments and yes this is a rare bird. Unfortunately I never got the chance to fly on one.
SPs always look good to me somehow, long live the Queen!
Mark Henley
When I was Chief Engineer at L3 when we were supporting NASA Dryden with their flight certification after we modified the aircraft, I got to fly on one of their first science missions.... The SP is a real hot rod.
Amir Begloei
Amazing shot. For me the 747-SP will always be the most beautiful bird that ever flew the sky. Thank you for this shot!
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Amir, Mark, User3956, Thank you for your comments and agreed - The B747SP is a beautiful aircraft.


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