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Unknown/Generic Undesignated (52-1004) - 27 Apr 19br /Pima Air and Space Museumbr /DOUGLAS C-124C GLOBEMASTER II
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Unknown/Generic Undesignated (52-1004)


27 Apr 19
Pima Air and Space Museum


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Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
More from Joe Baugher's website:

Douglas C-124C Globemaster II, 52-1004, (MSN 43913) to MASDC as CQ334 Aug 13, 1973. Now on display at Pima Air and Space Museum, Tucson, Arizona

And more from the PASM website:

Manufacturer: DOUGLAS
Markings: 901st Military Airlift Group, Laurence G. Hanscom AFB, 1972
Designation: C-124C
Serial Number: 52-1004
Development of the C-124 began in 1947. Based on the short-lived C-74 the Globemaster II was intended to give the Air Force a long-range heavy-lift capability. The largest aircraft on use by the U.S. Air Force at the time, the C-124 could carry over 200 passengers or large cargos that would not fit in any other aircraft. The Globemaster II entered service in 1950 and they remained in use well into the 1970s. The C-124C version introduced more powerful engines, weather radar and better de-iceing equipment. These changes were later refitted to earlier aircraft. A total of 447 Globemaster IIs were built.
Larry Toler
I tourrd one when 13 yeats old at Scott AFB during an airshow. Little that I would know I would be MAC after I enlisted in the USAF.
Good "Old Shaky"... :-)
I remember these ungainly things flying into Keflavik, Iceland. Those front cargo doors opened and an impossibly steep ramp appeared. One day one arrived and a Dodge motor home drove down onto the tarmac. The motor home was actually a mobile electronic test unit we were going to use. Thinking back, that nose was pretty comical looking. Nice example also at the Air Force museum in Dayton.
Alan Hume
Looks like something out of a Pixar movie! :)
Forerunner of the C5.
As an Air Traffic Controller we "worked" many of the C-124s based at Hill Air Force Base, Utah (1966 -1968) The base was home to at least two (2) regular Air Force C-124 squadrons and another either Reserve or National Guard squadron. If you had more than one (1) aircraft operation "old Shaky" presented quite the challenge, as the aircraft commonly sat on the runway in take off position for 2 or three minutes prior to actual take off (we always suspected the flight crew were praying their beads). At the time Hill was a fairly busy base, not only with locally based aircraft but with a good deal of itinerant traffic. Even Though it could be challenging (consider a steady stream of itinerant arrivals/departures and 2 or 3 C-124 in the pattern) Hill AFB was a great assignment.
When a C124 crashed on take off from Tachikawa AFB,Japan it was the largest loss of life in an airplane accident up until that time.
@Duncan Mulholland - No, a crash in Germany in 1941 was the largest, a long time before the Japanese crash. it also claimed 129 lives. It was an Me-321 and three tow planes, all lost together.
R-4360 Engines?
Larry Horton
Saw one fly in to Harlingen Airport for static display at CAF. Due to heavy cross wind it had to land on a shorter runway than the main. Pilot made several approaches and aborts before he set it down on the threshold and stood on the brakes. Think he may have needed to change pants but not sure.
jesse kyzer
THANK YOU! to everyone who helps keep these Ol birds flying
Part of "Advance Team" for a TDY at Allbrook from Turner in 1960 taking "mission kits". Huge cargo capacity, must have taken the entire runway for liftoff.
That is a whopper.
Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
More from the PASM website:


Wingspan: 174 ft 2 in
Length: 130 ft
Height: 48 ft 4 in
Weight: 194,500 lbs (loaded)
Max. Speed: 271 mph
Service Ceiling: 18,400 ft
Range: 4,030 miles
Engines: 4 Pratt& Whitney R-4360-63A radials, 3,800 horsepower each
Crew: 8, passengers 20
I had a teacher in high school who flew these out of Hanscom AFB with the Air National Guard back in the early '70s. It could have been this one!
This is one of many aircraft my father flew while in the Air Force. As I remember him talking about it, the "Ol' Shakey" moniker came from a tremendous vibration that occurred when set in climb power. Said it was pretty alarming when you first encountered it but you got used to it.
While in flight you could crawl through a tunnel that linked the engines with the fuselage and change a hydraulic pump or other components when the engine was caged. Scary job but possible.
A million rivets in loose formation.
Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
Thanks for all the extra info, everyone!
Greg ByingtonPhoto Uploader
5,000 views! Thanks a bunch, everyone!
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