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Fairchild-Republic Thunderbolt 2 (80-0171) - A pair of A-10 Thunderbolt IIs (or more commonly called the Warthog) from 47th Fighter Squadron return home to Davis-Monthan AFB after an afternoon sortie (please view in "full" for highest image quality)
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Fairchild-Republic Thunderbolt 2 (80-0171)


A pair of A-10 Thunderbolt IIs (or more commonly called the Warthog) from 47th Fighter Squadron return home to Davis-Monthan AFB after an afternoon sortie (please view in "full" for highest image quality)


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ken kemper
Splendid Shot Garrett

Right timing for snap of shudder.
Garrett HellerPhoto Uploader
Thank you Ken!
Great photo
Russ Brown
Do I see Wonder Woman?
God bless the pilots.
God bless the pilots.
Hugh Somsen
My favorite CAS Aircraft.
Had one fly over my house a long time ago, heading to Hanscom AFB . Very loud and scary. Great pictures- thanks .
The A-10 is one of my all time favorites/Good shot.
Garrett HellerPhoto Uploader
Thanks everyone! I’ll have more Hawg photos posted soon once I’m done editing
We had one crash in our community (south east Georgia) about 20-years ago. For some reason the pilot wandered too close to the guy wires of a TV transmitter tower (very rural area). I was heading home from work and I noticed a single A-10 circling the tower and wondered why, only to find out later via the evening news of the accident. The pilot ejected safely and of course the aircraft was recovered. Word is that it kind of went into a helicopter like spin and pancaked the ground in some newly planted pines and never caught fire. Local volunteer fire fighters said that it mostly remained in tact after intact. Some very tough birds for sure.
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