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Antonov Antheus (09307)
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Antonov Antheus (09307)



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You want to change the reg to UR-09307
claude couturierPhoto Uploader
the site does not accept registration UR-09307 ….
Gavin Hughes
What a beast, and beautifully captured.
Daniel Rytz
Please provide sound...
ken kemper
Agree with DANIEL.

Colin Seftel
The AN22 first flew in 1965 and is still in service. It is also the world's largest turboprop-powered aircraft.
Russ Brown
Counter rotating Turbo Prop?
John Felton
Is the Airbus A400M larger?
The Antonov has a greater wingspan and is heavier, with a greater payload capability than the A400M.
@Colin That is bigger than a TU-95?
Mark Weiser
I've never understood the few examples of contra-rotating props, I do on the Russian Helicopter anti-torque and all that, but why here?
a mentor
A well designed contra-rotating propeller will have no rotational air flow, pushing a maximum amount of air uniformly through the propeller disk, resulting in high performance and low induced energy loss. It also serves to counter the asymmetrical torque effect of a conventional propeller (see P-factor).
Saw this at Manchester Airport... awesome machine... strange engine note.
Colin Seftel
@Mark,@John, here's the numbers:
Wingspan: AN22 211ft, Tu-95 164ft, A-400 139ft
Length: AN22 190ft, Tu-95 151ft, A-400 148ft
Empty weight: AN22 251,327lb Tu-95 198,416lb, A-400 168,654lb
Max takeoff weight: AN22 551,156lb Tu-95 414,469lb, A-400 310,852lb
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