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BOEING 767-300 (N225NE) - Patriots 767 with no decals at snowy Buffalo for the first playoff game of 2022
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BOEING 767-300 (N225NE)


Patriots 767 with no decals at snowy Buffalo for the first playoff game of 2022


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Aymen Tazout
Does anyone know why the Patriots don't have their name or insignia on this airplane? Why would they paint the airplane in Patriots colors and then not advertise that it's their airplane?
Noah SPhoto Uploader
17dec1903, I could be wrong, but it might've been because Eastern bought out this aircraft from the Patriots back in 2018 (?), causing the logo to be removed. Just a guess
Most important: Bills won. LET'S GO BUFFALO!
As per a picture of the same AC in Buffalo at the same time on this website today, it appears that the left side of the aircraft indicates Patriots while this picture (right side) does not.
Dan Chiasson "As per a picture of the same AC in Buffalo at the same time on this website today, it appears that the left side of the aircraft indicates Patriots while this picture (right side) does not."

Dan >> Two different aircraft. The one with the full livery is N36NE. The one without (shown above) is N225NE.
Larry Karp
I would think it would be unusual for the one side of the plane to not have graphics. There are many photos on line of the pane with graphics on both sides.
Larry >> It's not the same plane. N36NE has the full livery; this one doesn't.


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