Pittsfield Muni Airport (Pittsfield, ME) 2B7 코멘트
A81-APT | Activate REIL runway 18 and 36; PAPI runway 36; MIRL runway 18/36 - CTAF. |
A75 | Please call 207-487-5213 for hngr available. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L 100LL fuel after hours, please call 207-232-2318. |
A58-36 | 20 ft trees 0-50 ft from threshold, 210 ft L of centerline; 8 ft brush 170-200 ft from threshold, 90 ft L of centerline. |
A58-18 | 6-10 ft brush, 0-200 ft from threshold, 225-250 ft L of centerline. |
A42-36 | Nrs and centerline faded or misg. |
A42-18 | Nrs and centerline faded or misg. |
A14 | Town manager. |
A110-4 | For clearance contact bangor approach at 207-561-2500 ext 1. |
A110-1 | Deer and turkeys in vicinity of airport. |