Skypark Airport (Bountiful, UT) BTF 코멘트
E147 | Traffic pattern altitude: 1000 ft AGL heli, otr aircraft standard. |
A81-APT | Activate lirl runway 17/35 - CTAF. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L 100LL and jet A self service fuel available 24 hours with cc. |
A58-35 | 6 ft fence, 0-200 ft distance, 94 ft right. |
A58-17 | 8 ft building, 0 ft distance, 122 ft left. |
A57-35 | Controlling obstn exceeds A 45 deg slp. |
A57-17 | Approach slp 11:1 to dthr ovr 8 ft building, 90 ft distance, 128 ft left. |
A30-17/35 | All departures will be to the east. |
A110-1 | For clearance contact salt lake city approach at 801-325-9670. |